Facilities & Programs

Nature Trail

Cherry Creek’s Nature Trail is a trail that is open to students, family and the community. The nature trail is used by Cherry Creek for various projects and class activities such as snow shoeing, P.E. recreation, gardening and more! It was developed as an interpretive nature trail supported by classroom projects. Recently the trail was enhanced through the efforts of a local Eagle Scout project!


We dedicated a space for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning. Students have enjoyed their first opportunity to work in a “real science lab!” This space also houses our Salmon in the Classroom program. We partnered with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to provide learning experiences through this program in which students raise Chinook salmon from eggs and make connections with local river systems and the Great Lakes.

Positive Action Class

Positive Action reinforces basic skills and teaches personal and social responsibility. Students will learn how friends and family influence their self-concept. Further, students will discover how their own thoughts and actions contribute to how they feel about themselves. We believe Positive Action will make a big difference toward improving our student’s social and emotional well being, in addition to their academic achievement.